Tips on choosing a car oil

Choosing the engine oil is sometimes quite confusing, because of ignorance of the specification we will use oil. An understanding of the conditions of operation of the machine used, as well as knowledge about the specifications of oil, could help solve this problem of anxiety.

As is well known that the engine oil is a very important role for example, reduce the coefficient of friction between the machine elements intersect, a cooling agent in the engine room, to avoid rust, make sure to avoid wearing on the surface of the element and so on.

In addition to the above requirements they will be the engine oil when the engine operates, always be in an environment that has a high temperature due to the combustion process in the combustion chamber. The combustion process they will also cause oxidation and lead to Radicals, or compounds which usually arise due to the reaction heat effect, thus causing degradation of engine oil. To maintain the quality of oil from the reaction of oxidation-preventing additive required.

Besides the blow-by gas that is entering the combustion gases to the engine room containing the fuel does not burn completely, are likely to be soot or particulete, to avoid such particulate clumping so that it becomes its own problems, engine oil additives will also need the anti-forming clumps. In addition to the diesel engine, which allows the sulfur contained quite a lot then for this type of engine oil additives require neutralizing sulfur.

As it is known that elements such as engine piston-ring and cylinder-liner, connecting rod tip, then the cam-nose and rocker-arm is touching. For this section, lubrication of the fluid that is flowing into the lubrication surface where the flow is very limited. Condition of existing types of lubrication in the engine room they will be, should respond to one type of engine oil only.

For lubrication type of surface they will be, a high-viscosity engine oil would be better suited to protect from the elements wearing, but the high viscosity of engine oil that they will become an obstacle to the rotating elements which lowers the fuel efficiency of the system itself. Conversely a low viscosity or thin, good for fuel efficiency, but allows higher engine element of damage caused by the possibility of friction between the larger elements. So that engine oil needs in the conditioning to be able to respond to the type of lubrication is required as above. For example with the addition of additives ZDTP to protect the parts that intersect like the cam and so on.

Distribution of energy use combustion products can be described more or less energy can be used as a power system 25% of motion, friction wheels and the road 6% and 7.5% loss due to mechanical, from the distribution for example, by using engine oil SHG mechanical loss becomes 0% though, fuel efficiency will go up 7.5%, but actually can not expect such a high increase in fuel efficiency. But oil prices are suitable for high fuel efficiency, it is not so different from regular oil, then use the oil to enhance fuel keiritan it remains one point that is not forgotten.

Specifications to save fuel oil includes a variety of important things to remember. As explained above that there is some kind of lubrication that occurs in the engine room, in summary a good oil is oil that is able to reduce friction on the lubrication of any kind on top. In oil market, there is a certificate issued by ILAC standards, ie standards issued by the oil producers and automobile manufacturers regarding tsb-grade oil.

The trend today is the engine oil viscosity reduction in oil to lower the barrier fluid in a rotating element, while to deal with problems on the surface of the elements that intersect added additive anti-wearing, and so on. In operation in the field more in mild or moderate load conditions, with temperatures around 150 degrees centigrade, which has a base oil of the polymer has advantages. This is because the oil with the base polymer viscosity little changed despite the change in temperature is large enough. So that real applications have a wider range of usability or flexible. But with a low viscosity, or oil that is more dilute, have a higher tendency to evaporate from the oil with high viscosity. It has also become one of the themes of research on the formula-development engine oil.

Code of an engine oil viscosity, is usually written out of cans of oil. The part which is W, a viscosity index they will be tested with testing system Cold Cranking Simulator (CCS) is performed at low temperatures below zero, for example 10W, 20W, 5W or 0W. The smaller the number on it they will increasingly dilute the engine oil. Or the easier the engine starter. But when viewed in its specific usage problems in Indonesia and not in the highlands, the oil without the standard CCS is also sufficient. If the viscosity sign they will be, do not use the letter W, then the oil they will be only in the test with the standard at a temperature of 100 degrees C. The smaller the number, the more dilute, suited to the emphasis on fuel effisiency, but less well to protect the machine elements that are touching each other.

So really from a technical standpoint, for areas that do not meet the cold temperature, is sufficient to see oil specification with code numbers without the letter W. But in real usage back to the user satisfaction, whether using double standards, or simply by a single standard without testing CCS.

Long Life Engine Oil
With increasing attention to environmental issues, efforts to use the engine oil up to 30.000 miles now been started by some oil producers. This is in addition to a lighter burden on the environment also reduces the themes in the care of the machine. From the research it is known that the main cause of damage to the oil starts from reduced anti-oxidant additives in the oil. The decrease in anti-oxidation additives are causing damage to the compound base oil oxidation due to chemical processes, which carry a chain effect with other additives damage that accelerates exponentially increase the viscosity of engine oil. It is also known that the location of the cause of damage to the engine oil quality, generally starting from the part between the piston and cylinder.

The use of oil in the oil quality has been damaged condition will result in the dirt that accumulated in the machine. This debris comes from the oil itself is biodegradable, and clumping that could eventually be found in elements of the machine. So to solve this problem the use of anti-oxidant additives, detergent additives and clot-preventing additive to be one important key in determining the formula for the new engine oil.

But as a "rule of thumb", until recently, using an ordinary oil but is often replaced more secure than using a good oil but it is rarely replaced.

In outline, engine oil, there are five groups (according to the Standard API)

GROUP I: Mineral Oil with a sufficiently large impurity
GROUP II: Mineral oil with impurity less than Group I
GROUP III: Mineral Oil with Group II with a viscosity index greater.
GROUP IV: PAO (PolyAlphaOlefin) Synthetic Oil
GROUP V: esters Synthetic Oil

Group III is made with synthetic technology - called Synthetized Mineral Oil. Performed by Castrol Synthetic Label and sell at a price of course Synthetic Oil.

Today almost all synthetic oil they follow the lower grade and sell Castrol Synthetic Oil (hem, reap more profit).

Without seeing the type and quality of oil used, the problem is that there is fuel in the combustion chamber is not completely evaporated, so not everything is on fire. Residual fuel oil and blowby will wet the Ring piston and cylinder wall, so that the oil dissolves dry, until the friction between the piston rings to cylinder walls resist nobody, easily damaged.

Point is primarily how to make fuel is introduced into the combustion chamber is vaporized (approaching 100%), so that complete combustion will occur.
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Preventing Damage to Battery

Battery or batteries often called a source of electric power in the car. Accu also need good care, as well as the engine for vital functions. Without the support of the prime batteries, magneto ignition as a trigger operation of the machine will be hard driven cars. And with good care, the lifetime of the batteries can be maximized up to two years of use. Here are tips that can be a maximum age of the batteries.
1. Turn off your electronic devices. When finished using the car, turn off the first
advance a variety of car electronics accessories, such as a car outside lights, cabin lights, air conditioning, and audio device before turning off the engine contacts. With this behavior, age of the batteries will be longer because the electrical currents are not sucked in vain.
2. Clean the battery terminals. Keep the battery terminals positive pole and negative pole is always clean and dry to prevent rust. If there is corrosion on battery terminals, although only a thin layer of rust, may reduce the ability of batteries to send or receive an electrical current. And if the acid salt formed in the terminal battery, the terminal off and then wash with hot water. However, if formed rust, clean using a wire brush or use a special cleaning fluid such as WD40. Keep in mind, do not occasionally use a liquid such as WD40 to clean the parts made of plastic, because it will make the plastic becomes brittle. Instead, use special cleaners such as Contact Cleaner, to clean the plastic socket.
3. Check the battery water. Note the volume of water to keep the batteries as needed. Never lacking or excessive. Lack of water can cause cell damage accu batteries. This can lead to reduction of supply of electric current generated. In addition, the defective battery cell does not lead to accu perfectly capable of storing electricity. And if the filling of water in excess batteries, electrochemical processes can lead to overheating of the batteries.
4. Make sure the battery position is firmly in place. When the placement of loose batteries, car vibrations can damage the inside of the battery, thus shortening his age. Try not to have rust on the car battery holder. Clean with a wire brush or cleaning fluid when there is corrosion on the battery holder.
5. Resting batteries. If your car is not used in quite a long time, remove the negative battery terminal to battery condition awake. Hours of system memory, audio, alarm, central lock and will continue to work if the battery still attached. As a result, the batteries will run out of electrical power. Because the batteries still issued despite the electrical energy of electronic devices in cars not currently in the process of usage.
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Tips Caring for Your Car Tires

Coins can also be used as a pointing device that your tires are removed, then it's time for your car to change tires. More Below are 10 tips car tire maintenance:

  1. Do not wait until the tire is damaged. Make it a habit to always check your tire pressure at least once a month and especially before traveling long distances. Tires with insufficient pressure will cause the tire easily of heat due to friction with the asphalt, so the tires wear faster and can endanger the safety of driving. 
  2. You must be memorized by the proportional pressure of your tires. The size of the right tire pressure can be seen on the sticker attached to the inside of the door of your vehicle, or the vehicle owner's manual. 
  3. For a valid measurement of your car tire pressure, check tires when they are cold temperatures. If your car runs out travel long distances, wait approximately three hours. 
  4. Perform periodic checks, at least once a month and keep the size of your car tire pressure is always on a proportionate restriction. So that your car is ready for use, if at any time you need. 
  5. Coins can be used as a pointing device that you have bald tires. Put the coins in your car tire tread. If you can see the whole picture coin money, it's time for your car to change tires. 
  6. Keep your tires from the pit on the road. Because the hole is too large not only can damage your tires, but will also disturb the balance or the balance of the tires. 
  7. Make a schedule. Make sure you redeem your tires between the front with that behind every 6000 miles, so that uniform conditions throughout the tire and maintain a longer tire life. 
  8. Do not drive a car with a tire without a nipple cover. Driving a car with a tire without a valve cover may cause air leakage from inside the tire and can result in tire pressure deficiency. 
  9. Check the balance or the balance of your tires periodically, to avoid tire spin that is not stable.
  10. Calculate the weight that must be loaded by your car. If the load exceeds the maximum capacity can cause excessive pressure on your tires and it can be very dangerous.
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Take care of your car paint

Many people are willing to spend no small amount of money to beautify the outside appearance of the car. Usually this is for the satisfaction and pride for the sake of artistic value may not be owned by another vehicle. Without us knowingthe actual paint-groomed not only reflects the beauty alone, but will also make thecar more durable, how not because it will be protected from corrosion or rust(damage caused by chemical or electrochemical reaction).

To that end, it is very important for us to know how to keep and care for car paint.Here are some tips that we can do, is as follows:

  1. Wash your car in the shade or protected from direct sun and make sure your engine is cold. 2. Before you wash your car, it is good to clean your car surfacewith a soft duster first, so that dirt or sand attached to the body is not scratchedwhen you rubbed it with a sponge.
  2. Use a special cleaning tool car, wash with car shampoo and use a sponge, do not use laundry detergent because it contains chemicals that can damage thepaint or gloss paint.
  3. When washing the car do not let the bubbles stick too long, because if the foamdries quickly can cause patches of paint stains on your car.
  4. If exposed to dirt immediately clean (usually liquids: such as oil, bird droppings,etc.). Do not wait too long because if too long dirt can seep into the paint andmake the paint to be damaged or discolored.
  5. Do not be too often parked car in the summer, because hot sun quicklydamage the paint or paint color of your car will be quickly faded.
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Preventing Insects Log Cabin Car

To prevent entry of insects and nesting is actually very simple, the recipe will follow the recommendation below. Borne insects nesting reluctant!

  1. Do not eat in the car. Yng leftovers tucked in between the wall invites insects to come.
  2. Try when parking not to long to open the door. Doors open for tempting insects get into the car. Then, try not to park under the trees likely to invite ants for entry into the interior.
  3. Use a car wrapping. This method proved effective in preventing insects from entering through the sidelines of the car body.
  4. Do not store a damp place car. Humid areas inviting insects into a house for a kind of cockroach.
  5. When using cleaning fluid insects, do not use random drug. This is done so that the effects of insect cleanser, a smell not bother passenger cars.
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Move transmission to Neutral

Usually the automatic car users most often do this. The position of the transmission lever is left in position D and the brakes at red lights. Transmission at this extra work because they were held by the brakes.

Prudent step is to move the lever to the neutral position, at this position the flow of transmission oil cooling down and there was no pressure on canvas clutch. The result is the automatic transmission to be more durable in use.

Not Equally important is also the user manual transmission to not hold the clutch and gas pedal. This was done to keep the car on the road did not back down when the car stops Monopoly sets. Get used to pull the handbrake.
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The Enemies of Car Paint

Paint is a beauty crown car. Whatever expensive your car is damaged if the paint certainly looks bad. So the car always performed brilliantly, of paint should be protected from attack enemies that could potentially damage it. There are good that we know some of the enemies of paint:

  1. WATER Liquids that this one could be friend and enemy of paint. Water can be used to clean the dirty paint. But do not ever let the water dry up by itself, because that was the beginning of the formation of fungus. Prevent it easy. Wash the car in places that are not exposed to direct sunlight to prevent drying out the water itself. After rinsing, dry the surface immediately wet the car body. When rain washed the car on the way, it helps dry it immediately with a chamois water points once you reach the destination.
  2.  DUST Granules of this one was always encountered everywhere making it impossible to avoid the car when required paint from dust grains. However, grain dust is a major contributor to scratch the surface of the paint, if the wrong way to clean it. There is only one way to clean it, is to wash with water. Because only airlah can lift dust grains without friction with the surface of the paint. 
  3.  CAR BODY COVER Gloves or car cover is effective in protecting the car from the sun and dust. But when the materials used are impermeable to water, these protectors can actually be a boomerang. The car is rained on when closed makes the water trapped underneath. Once the lid is opened will be immediately visible mold attached to the surface of the paint. 
  4. SOAP Wear always shampoo or soap with a pH balanced car wash. Do not use detrejen and the like, because it will make the paint dull. There are several types of soap to trace when used for washing the car, even a dab of soap that contains no grains which can create scratches the surface of the paint. 
  5. DIRT BIRD Bird droppings contain chemicals that can react with the paint. Therefore do not let the bird droppings old inherent in the paint surface because it will cause spotting very difficult to remove. Immediately wash with water. 
  6.  TREE SAP To avoid sunburn outdoors, one effective way is to park the car under a tree. But the fruit or tree sap that falls can also damage the paint. If you're new, this dirt can be cleaned with water, but if a little old tree sap can react with the paint so that the cause scars or spots that do not encounter problems can be eliminated even with the polished. That is because the reaction has penetrated down to the pores in the paint most.
  7. LIQUID WATER mixer Wiper Adding wiper washer fluid on a glass of water is effectively expelled from the glass surface munyak. But some wiper fluid product instead leave stains on the paint surface. Make sure the product you use is not damaging the paint. 
  8. ACCU liquid electrolyte The liquid electrolyte batteries that have been reacted with active batteries cell membrane is also a major enemy of paint. So when adding the liquid electrolyte batteries jangansampai too full. Due to spills and vapors can damage the paint. If this happens immediately flush the affected part of the liquid electrolyte batteries with warm water. This can only be done as soon as possible because if it drops or liquid spills on the surface of the paint more than a few seconds then certainly you have to repaint that section. 
  9.  OIL BRAKE Despite the vital function of brake fluid is also very harmful to paint, let alone the type that is not neutral. Should be extra careful when pouring, do not spill or the car body. If the spill immediately flush with warm water. Conditions, handling and effects that occur exactly the same point No. 7 above. 
  10.  PROTECT WITH WAX In addition to avoiding the enemies of paint that had been mentioned, you also need to be coated with protective paint. Wax is a wax type of composition that serves to protect the paint surface of car. Need to know, do not use a protective layer with a silicon base material, especially in conditions of new paint or Re-Painting. Bringing the car to the beauty salon once a month car can help. But for those of you who want to save money and fond of exercise, apply the wax itself can be the right choice. Use a quality wax, at least 2 weeks. Because the wax-coated paint that is not easily attacked by fungus.
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