How to saving fuel usage

Rising fuel prices, non-subsidy makes a lot of people trying to save fuel consumed by vehicles. Moreover, the discourse that arises bolehnya limitation or no use of the subsidized fuel. Are you familiar with the gas stations want to constantly refuel your car? Here are some tips to save fuel.

Machines Maintenance
If the car engine is not healthy, will certainly make your car engine is not working prime. This can make the power generated by the engine of your car feels heavy to accelerate. The ends will waste fuel oil consumption in your car.

Do not Use Air Conditioner At Highest Level
Use of Air Conditioner at the highest level would create unnecessary consumption of fuel oil which is very wasteful, because if at the time of A / C at the highest level will make the compressor A / C live longer than the normal level. If the compressors are living longer, working more heavy. Automatic machine used wisely in the use of A / C.

Tire Pressure Wind On Notice
If the tire pressure on a vehicle having less wind, will create traction tires on the asphalt increased. But there are also side effects that the engine will work harder, and the effect on fuel consumption becomes more extravagant. Try to check the tire pressure to remain normal. Use the tire size is also determined from the manufacturer.

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