Choose Lubricants

After determines its function, then we stepped on the selection of the proper type of lubricant for the engine of our vehicle. To be the right choice even this, we must do it carefully. Well, manuals mention the type of vehicle ownership is the right lubricant for your vehicle's engine. Usually in your Vehicle Maintenance Tips book was written recommendation rate viscosity (viscosity) lubricants are suggested. Size husband lubricant viscosity indicated by the term SAE (Soceity of Automotive Engineers). In addition to SAE, Vehicle Maintenance Tips book in your vehicle it also requires a level of quality or performance (performance level) lubricant required. Lubricating qualities indicated by the term API Service. Well, API Service is classified into two categories, namely for gasoline engines and diesel engines (diesel). Gasoline Engine: SA (Machine with ancient specifications - is rarely used), SB (for engines with light duty - no longer used), SC (for machine-made between the years 1964 to 1967), SD (machine made in 1968-1970), SE (machine made in 1971 and over), SF (machine-made in 1980 and over), SG (machine-made in 1989 and over), SH (machine-made in 1993 and over), SJ (machine-made in 1997 and over), SL (machine-made in 2002 and over), and SM (machine-made in 2004 and up) Diesel engines: CA (light duty diesel engines), CB (duty diesel engines are), CC (diesel engine medium and heavy duty), CD (heavy duty diesel engine equipped with a supercharger), CD-II (two stroke diesel engines), CE (heavy duty diesel engine with turbo / supercharger), CF (diesel engines made in 1994 and over), CF-2 (two stroke diesel engines), CF-4 (4 stroke diesel engine heavy duty made in 1990 and operates at speeds high), CG-4 (diesel engine four-step heavy duty made in 1994 and operates with high speed and heavy load), CH-4 (high speed diesel engines made in 1998 and over), CI-4 (heavy duty diesel engines) .

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